full view of my tin antenna

The tin antenna

The tin antenna is a small size shortwave antenna. Technically it is an emitting resonator circuit. Due to its low efficiency and high energy losses, this antenna is also called Microvert. After several years of testing and planning I've still finished this project and the antenna works more or less fine on 10m band. I've installed the device on my balcony and even worked the repeater DB0DTM on 29.680 Mhz. Unfortunatly this piece of hardware produces to much QRN and shows too high hf losses. Even worse it better receives on 14Mhz than on 28Mhz. Strangely for both frequencies the SWR is about 1,5. For this reason I'll transform the antenna next in a 20m monopol. Nevertheless I made an observation: If you use an capacitor of big size and a short coil, you get an useful receiving aerial. The device works excellent on 20m..

Rf Shoke for the tin antenna
Clip terminals as counterpoise wire connections

I have built the antenna according to the blueprints of DK3RED and DL7AHW.They call it Dosenantenne. As beam I use a 51cm long piece of a stove pipe with 8cm diameter. 4 cm lower are coiled up 3 turns of copper wire with 1cm diameter. At the end of the wire are two clips: One for the higher frequencies of the band, and one for the lower ones. On these ones I clip the 1,71m counterpoise RG-58 wire, which is switched to an ferrite core type RK 3. My transmitter is connected with the rf shoke over an 10m RG58.
Write me your experiences with this antenna? I'm very happy for hints and ideas for that the device will work at last.