This page consists mainly of examples, so if you have no clue how to use the basic features of Fader you better look at the tutorial before you continue. Don't expect to find all features on this page. Read the reference if you are looking for a list of all variables or a description of the value-syntax that the variables accept.
The applet's background color is read from the bgColor parameter and defaults to black. It is no longer necessary to redefine the color-tables, the applet does this automatically in v2.5. If you want to change the background color, just set the parameter bgColor to the desired color and the applet will take care of the rest.
If you want to use a background image, you can set the bgImg parameter to the url of the image. Set the bgColor parameter to the predominant color in the background image. This will allow the applet to adjust the initial colortables to your choice of background. If the image is not large enough to fill the applet area, it will be repeated. You can modify the placement of the tile by using the paramters ImgXDisplace and ImgYDisplace. If you want to place the text inside a "display area" of the image which is not centered, you can adjust the placement of the text with the parameters TextXDisplace and TextYDisplace. See the reference for detailed information on all parameters.
I will add examples for background images later.
Fader v2.5 comes with 10 predefined colortables which autoadjust to
all background colors. If you want to define your own colortable, because
you need to match the applet's colors to your page's theme or because
you don't like the predefined colors or just because, you can of course
do that:
There are two colortables for each color-index, one for fading in and one
for fading out. They are defined in the data-string by setting the
colorinx or coloroutx variables, where x is a number from 0 to 9.
The syntax for these variables is: color,steps,color,steps,...,steps,color.
If you want your text to fade in from black to blue and stop with cyan
(and the other way around for fading out), you would use:
colorin0=000000,20,0000ff,10,ffffff,10,00ffff colorout0=00ffff,10,ffffff,10,0000ff,20,000000
You can of course redefine any other table, not just table 0.
The example above would look like this.
It is possible to make Fader act as a hyperlink. The variables for this are "link" and "target". See the reference for more information.
Fader always centers the text because this is usually what you want. In case you want left- or right-aligned text you can do this by adding spaces to the beginning or the end of your string. Make sure you use an editor which does not delete spaces before newlines when you use newlines as separators.
The following transitions are optimized for 30 chars, but it should be fairly easy to adjust them to different line-lengths. Some transitions are looking good with other line-lengths without changing. When in doubt, experiment.
This listing is of course not complete. It is only supposed to show you what can be done.
colorin0=ffffff,7,15eff6,7,000f99 colorout0=000f99,7,15eff6,7,ffffff
colorin0=000000,10,ffff00 colorout0=ffff00,10,000000
colorin0=000000,7,800000,7,ffff00 colorout0=ffff00,7,800000,7,000000
colorin0=000000,7,6300ad,7,1900b5 colorout0=1900b5,7,6300ad,7,000000
colorin0=000000,8,190031,4,3a0031,6,b54200,4,e6de00 colorout0=e6de00,4,b54200,6,3a0031,4,190031,8,000000
colorin0=000000,1,100000,1,421190,1,635200,1,298c00,1,10bd52,1,00dea5,1,00d6c5,1,009cd6,1,085ade,1,4242ad,1,8c216b,1,d60831 colorout0=d60831,1,8c216b,1,4242ad,1,085ade,1,009cd6,1,00d6c5,1,00dea5,1,10bd52,1,298c00,1,635200,1,421190,1,100000,1,000000
colorin0=000000,7,10ad08,7,e6f708 colorout0=e6f708,7,10ad08,7,000000
colorin0=000000,7,5a0052,3,de0831 colorout0=de0831,7,5a0052,7,000000
delay=20 time=0 pause=0 colorin0=000000,5,804000,5,f7e67b,5,804000,5,000000 colorout0=000000 fadein=3 fadeout=3
delay=20 time=0 pause=0 colorin0=000000,10,ff0000,10,000000,10,0000ff,10,000000 colorout0=000000 fadein=3 fadeout=3
colorin0=000000,10,ff0000,10,000000,10,0000ff,10,000000,10,ff0000,10,000000,10,0000ff,10,000000,10,ff0000,10,000000,10,0000ff,10,000000 colorout0=000000 fadein=4 fadeout=0
colorin0=ff0000 colorout0=ff0000,1,000000,1,ff0000,1,000000,1,ff0000,1,000000,1,ff0000,1,000000 fadein=3 fadeout=0 delay=100 pause=0
colorin0=ff0000 colorout0=ff0000 fadein=0 fadeout=0 delay=10 time=20 pause=0