This is the documentation for the Fader v2.5 applet. I first used the concept for Fader in a "demo" on the Commodore C64, which was a long time ago. When I started to discover Java, I thought it would make a perfect learning project to port this tiny program. Since then Fader has evolved into a user-friendly program which has many more features than its ancient assembler predecessor.
Fader is a special effect applet. It displays lines of text (one line at a time) and uses a flexible scheme to form the transitions. Sounds simple but looks interesting.
Right below this text is a frame with the applet showing off its basic features, but not all features are used. It is - for example - also possible to use a different background color or a background image.
I have decided to make the transition from postcardware/payware to freeware with version 2.5. This basically means that Fader is now free copyrighted software and that you can most likely use Fader on your pages without paying for it. Please take a look at the license page for details about acceptable uses of the applet. Source code licenses are available on request.
I'd like to thank everybody who supported Fader with postcards or commercial registrations. Without you, this version would never have been written.
If you have comments, bug reports, etc. about Fader, don't hesitate to send me an e-mail.
Johannes Schellen